Sunday 20 May 2012

The Beginning.

Hi and welcome to my newly created Blog :) 
Here I'll be showcasing my artwork and creations that come from the Media Course at my local College that I started at the beginning of this year.

For the first post I thought that I would start off by putting up some of the my drawings. These are from some of the exercises that our drawing class did early in the year.

This was from the 'Draw your favourite animated character ' Exercise we did.
I chose the warrior from 'The Elder Scrolls Sykrim' game.
I liked the use of shadows and highlights that the original picture had.
Also here is my attempt at drawing a human skull for the 'drawing bones' exercise we did.

Hope you all enjoy my first post!

Comment below and tell me what you think :)

1 comment:

  1. Could I use your picture for a song I made please bro.
